Sunday, September 25, 2011

What this is all about

The weather was finally agreeable enough for me to get decent pictures of these adorable little critters! I am in the process of getting my own light tent made, so I won't have to rely on the weather being nice anymore.

(Please note that the patterns for these critters were created by me; they are copy written and protected by law)

Enough yapping, onto the critters!

Up first is this sweet little white and orange tipped kitty




 Next is a cute red and cream tipped foxy (yes, he has 2 different colored eyes)




Last up is this totally adorable red and black dragon




Starting up

Hello all and welcome to my small, and very obviously just starting, blog!

I'm not quite sure where to start, so I'll make this a getting to know me post ^.^

I had learned a little bit of crocheting while in college several years ago, but it was limited to the slip stitch and making very long and narrow scarves. I had begun to seriously pick up crocheting as my main craft over a year ago when I lost much needed space for scrapbooking. I began with dish towels and a couple of wash cloths, but was very quickly getting bored with square shaped items.

Then I learned about Amigurumi, and my love of crocheting skyrocketed!

At first I started off with cupcakes, many of my friends know my love of baking so I thought it would be a great and simple starter project. Domed top with wavy edging as frosting, a cup for the cake part, with some stuffing and sewing it was finished! After a couple of attempts at following other people's patterns I wanted to see if I could my own pattern. After some fighting with the yarn and curses at math equations, I successfully created my own cupcake pattern!

It was for a Christmas gift art trade that I finally delved into the world of making little animals, and everyone who saw them loved them! So from then on I decided I would stick with creating cute little critters, and that's the short and simple story of how I got to where I am today.

Besides crocheting, I am a self taught amateur baker (cupcakes are my choice of baked treat!) and scrapbooker. Outside of the crafting world I love going to Renaissance Faires, Anime Conventions, playing The Sims 3, and playing on various internet pet breeding sim sites. I live with 2 cats, only one of which is actually mine.

That's pretty much it about me. I hope you enjoy my blog and critters as much as I enjoy sharing my creations and tips with you! (pictures will soon be forthcoming!)
